
Monday, May 30, 2011

My Other Life - HAM Radio Operator

Today, my husband, Bill, and I worked with our local Amateur Radio Club, Tulsa Repeater Organization, to do communications for the Maple Ridge Run. This was my first time to actually do any communications. I learned a little about keeping a log and I walked the run 3.3 miles with the Tactical name: Walker! (Couldn't make it 3rd round!) Here are some photos of the team:

TRO Communications Team
Me - Learning how to do the Log

Wiped out after 3.3 miles!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Self Publishing Article in the NYT

I just read this article in the New York Times about Self-Publishing, written by Neal Pollack. Yesterday, I read that Amazon is selling more e-books than print books. Self-publishing has been working for me on a small scale, but I keep trying to get "published" the traditional way, while other seem to keep moving toward self-publishing. Hmmmm - am I going in the wrong direction? Any thoughts?

News on the Homefront

We made another trip out to Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute in Baltimore, Md. this month. The news wasn't good. My husband, Bill, is now legally blind, and there isn't much that can be done about it, if any. After five years of trying to find answers, we've decided it's time to trust God for healing in His time and move on to the adjustment phase.

There are so many things you don't think about until someone close to you loses their vision. For instance, do you know how difficult it is for someone to do the laundry, cook in the oven, or run the dishwasher with the new touch screen pads? They can't feel the buttons. Or how about putting toothpaste on your toothbrush? Or reading a menu and paying the bill at a restaurant when you can't tell what denomination the money is?

It's been quite an adjustment for my husband, Bill, as he loses more and more of his independence, and for me, as I have to take on more and more of the responsibilities. But, with God's help, we are making it and it's getting better every day. We are adjusting and life is good!

Thanks to everyone who has been praying with us as we go through this process. We really appreciate you!

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Other Life - Ham Radio

One of my newest hobbies is Ham Radio (KF5JFM). I got into it because of my husband's interest and the fact that he is no longer able to drive because of his vision loss. I used to take him to the meetings and wait around until he was done. Then, one day, I decided to join them! So, I got my Technician's license in 2010; and in April, I got my General's license.

In January, I became the Public Relations Chair for the Tulsa Repeater Organization. A large part of my responsibility is the TRO Signal Newsletter. I enjoy using my writing skills for this super group of Ham operators.

Our big project right now is setting up our Ham Shack. I'll post some pictures as it develops!