
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Oreo - the Vegetarian!

My most beloved pet, Oreo, is now a vegetarian! Yes, you heard it right! 

Here's the scoop: 

From the time she was born, Oreo's had food issues. At a year of age, she had bladder surgery to remove bladder stones. The vet showed me the stones they pulled out: they were the size of peas and filled a 3/4 cup measure! At that point, she was on a Rx diet and has been since then.

For the next eleven years, her digestive system got worse, until, by this spring, she was having nausea and diarrhea at least once or twice a week. I was at my wits end, and so was my vet. Even the strict Rx diet for gastronomical issues was not working. Finally, in July, my vet suggested a vegetarian diet. He had been doing some research and found studies that suggested this type of diet may help dogs like Oreo. So, six weeks ago, I started the transition to Royal Canin Vegetarian diet. The protein in it is soy, so she is still getting protein. 

She has been completely on the vegetarian diet for the past four and one-half weeks. And guess what? No more stomach issues or diarrhea! She's happier, more energetic, and looks the best she has in years. In fact, it makes me wonder if I should become vegetarian! 

UPDATE: I've added green bean "candles" to her vegetarian dinner! 

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